Costs less over time than drip irrigation

Pivot irrigation systems typically cost less per acre (hectare) to install than drip or microirrigation systems - especially on large fields. Pivot irrigators like the Centerstar 9000 can last for 20 years or more and have a resale value that stays relatively high, so your investment will hold its value for years to come.

Easier to rotate between crops

Center-pivot irrigators are simple to adapt to various crop heights, row spacing and root depth. Crops are difficult to rotate when using a drip irrigation system because row spacing is predetermined at installation.

The Centerstar 9000 center-pivot irrigator is precise and economical for a high level of irrigation efficiency without damaging your crops.

Highly uniform application

With the proper droplet size, water evaporation and drift caused by winds is minimal, so your resources are used wisely. Runoff does not pose major problems like it does for operations that practice traditional furrow or flood irrigation methods, and it does not matter if your fields are sloped or flat.

Multipurpose design

Because pivot irrigators are made with sturdy metal piping, they can also be used to apply a range of chemicals on fields, from water to fertilizer to pesticides—saving on operating costs in multiple areas on the farm, including irrigation.

Minimal maintenance

Upkeep is much easier on a pivot irrigator than on a drip system, saving a significant amount in labor. With center-pivot irrigation, producers don’t need to worry about changing filters or drip tape, unplugging lines clogged with dirt or preventing the roots of your crops from growing around the lines.

To learn more about how center-pivot irrigation works, check out our guide. More information on the Bauer Centerstar 9000 is available here.